January , the beginning of a new year, It feels like an opportunity to start all clean, and all the mistakes that you make last year you wont make it again this year.
Today we went to the mall got some food items as cereal, potato chip, milk and few other necessities. we started our new year all bold cause of happen last year . we caught lice. those little fuckers are really hard to get rid off ,so we all shave our head including me.
This year I would concentrate in C learning her math facts ,she already knows her multiplication, so I will be working on her addition,subtraction,division facts. With K I will continued her reading program and working on her math facts. S I will start teaching her reading ,she might be ready . E I will work on her vocabulary , potty train,and I will continue to work on her overall behavior by teaching her boundaries and rules to follow . T is already a strong mathematician for a 7 year old(in my eyes) so I will continue with her math mental drill, and I will increase hers and c reading time to 2 hours.
I will document all our trips,classes, and learning experience.
my motto: kids are more likely to be driven when they have examples of parents who are/were driven. God help us to be diligent in our motherhood and girded with wisdom as we set out our goals for the day.